Beverley Butt Farm World War II Battery

Butt Farm, Victoria Road, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 8PJ

A remarkable survival of the Second World War, a defensive battery to guard the Humber.

The Heavy Anti-Aircraft gun site or battery, known as H31, consists of four gun emplacements around the command post. Equipped with 3.7 inch guns, it became operational in 1941, forming one of about 50 permanent gun sites on both
sides of the Humber to defend against aerial attacks. Hull was a target throughout the war, and suffered 815 air raid alerts, with around 1,200 civilian fatalities and 87,00 houses damaged (94% of the housing stock). The battery employed more than 300 personnel, men of the 62 HAA Regiment and women of the ATS, housed in huts on site.

At the end of the Second World War, the site was retained until the mid 1950s when it was abandoned.
Visit this remarkable survival, being restored by the present owners of the farm. The site is now protected as a Historic England Scheduled Monument. For a very detailed description, visit thewebsite.