Hull,  a Water Resiliant City

SPEAKER: Alex Codd

Thursday, September 15 at 3pm.
The Guildhall

Since 2007 Hull has been on a huge journey to transform itself from a city blighted by water through flooding to become a world leader in its management. The talk will explore the key decisions and investments along this journey and outline over the last decade over £250m has been invested into a range of flood infrastructure to make Hull one of the first 5 Global Water Resilient Cities. Hull sits in an exclusive club with Miami, Cape Town, Oman and Mexico City.

On the journey to becoming a water resilient city the Living with Water Partnership was formed, which has picked up national awards for the quality of its public-private partnership working. The importance of water infrastructure has been a long standing symbol of Hull and in 2017 its 2 key features (the Humber Bridge and Hull Tidal Barrier) were both Listed.

The City recognises huge value in its water-front and as a water resilient city has made the Fruit Market and Marina a place for business, and docks home to the Offshore Wind Industry.